

Players who enjoy movies would enjoy the puzzle game Actorle. To win this game, all you need to do is correctly identify the actor. We have a few pointers at your disposal in order to accomplish this.

For instance, there is a list of movies that the actor has been in along with the categories of those movies. In addition to this, you will be given suggestions about the actor's age. Actorle only gives you eight opportunities to get the question right, so make the most of the hints you are given.

How to play

First, examine the filmography and make an educated estimate as to which actor was featured in each of those films.

If your assumption is true, you will be shown the complete name of the film in which they appeared.

You'll see that the actor's age will get more precise, as you make more guesses about it. If the actual age exactly matches your guess, it will be presented against a green background. If the actual age differs from your guess by less than 10 years, it will be displayed against a yellow background. If the actual age differs by more than 10 years, it will be displayed against a red background. As you make more estimates, you get closer and closer to determining the age of the daily actor.

When you're through, tweet or talk to your friends about whether you were successful or unsuccessful. 


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