Citydle is a significant daily city-related question mark. This puzzle game is quite intriguing. Cities frequently follow a pattern. Most of the comments came from big cities and capitals around.
How to play
First, choose a city in Citydle. You were wrong about the continent and the nation if your response became gray. If your forecast is accurate for the continent but inaccurate for the country, it will turn orange. If your response is yellow, you chose the right country but the wrong city. A decent guess is any food that turns green.
Due to its location in the wrong country or continent, Ankara is not the proper response in this circumstance. The proper city is not Asia.
Now that the estimate is orange, the continent is right, but the country is still wrong. As a result, the right city is in North America, not Canada.
Even though the country is now right, the city is still wrong. This direction determines your next course of action.