

Countryle is a game where players must identify nations as they emerge on a map. Players can name their nation in the bar that is located beneath the game. All forecasts must be accurate for all nations or areas... This game was designed specifically for geography fans. Let's give it our all!

How to play

This nation's game provides the player with a number of hints, such as the country's boundaries, location with respect to the hemisphere, the name of the continent, the country's typical temperature, its population, and its length and latitude coordinates.

As you can see, the hints above will alter in color to show which country you need to identify. If green appears on any of these hints, you're on the correct track. If the color of such routes is yellow, the precise country will be close to the one you chose. Last but not least, if it's red, you're still too far away.

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Countryle unlimitedGeography gameMap gameCountryle gameCountryle onlinePlay Countryle

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