The "Dangle" daily guessing game centers around a hockey player. This game, like the others in the series, is based on the NHL and challenges you to make accurate estimates about players. Each day, you are entrusted with recognizing a different player.
Users get a total of eight opportunities to properly identify a current NHL player in a Dangle game. The game provides suggestions regarding the team, position, conference, division, age, jersey number, and other information with each guess that the player makes.
A yellow box in the age column indicates that the player was born within two years of the mystery NHL player, and just a yellow box in the number column indicates that the player's jersey number was within five numerals of the mystery player, according to the game's website.
The yellow cells indicate that the player has made an appearance for the squad during their professional career. If there is no color, no similarities or matches exist with the unknown player.