

A game of word guessing, Feudle may be played online. The player is presented with a search query that starts with a given phrase, and in order to progress through the game, they need to correctly predict the next word that will be provided.

The game provides the player with visual input to assist them in narrowing down their possibilities, and the player is given a total of six opportunities to correctly guess the word.

The player will start the game by typing in a search query that contains a predetermined phrase, such as "How to Make a." In order to complete the search. The game comes with its own set of tiles, each of which is designed to represent a letter of the alphabet. The tiles have been laid out in a horizontal arrangement, and the number of letters in the word is indicated on each tile.

The player has the ability to guess letters by choosing them from a collection of letter tiles that are located at the bottom of the screen. If the player successfully guesses a letter in the word, the letter (or letters) will be placed in the space on the tile that corresponds to that letter. If the player predicts a letter that does not occur in the word, a picture of a hangman will display on the screen.

How to Play

Move each of the letter tiles along the horizontal line by dragging it with your mouse or touchpad to the appropriate location.
You can enter your best estimates into the text field by using your keyboard.
Simply give your best guess by clicking the "Guess" button.
If you are unable to proceed or have exhausted all other options, you can find the answer by clicking the "Reveal" button.
To begin playing from the beginning, select the "Play Again" option from the menu.


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