
Li-Hing Wordle

Try your hand at the Li-Hing Wordle! You have six chances to guess the word. After some time has passed, the color of the tiles will continue to change to indicate how near you are.

How to play

Participants receive a Hawaiian word consisting of five letters and are given six opportunities to correctly estimate what that word is. The name of the game comes from the traditional Hawaiian dish known as li hing mui. This dish consists of dried, salty plums that are seasoned with licorice and other spices.

The incorporation of Hawaiian words and phrases into the puzzles that are generated by Li-Hing Wordle is one of the app's defining characteristics. As a consequence of this, it adds an educational element to the game. The words used in the game were chosen with great deliberation in order to accurately portray a broad spectrum of Hawaiian language, ranging from everyday expressions to more technical phrases. The player is provided with an explanation of the term once the game has been completed, which may assist them in expanding their vocabulary.

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