

Primel is a fun online math game that you should definitely check out if you have an interest in numbers.

The objective of Primel is not to predict a six-letter word but rather a prime number with five digits using just six guesses.

If you are familiar with the idea of prime numbers, playing Primel will be a breeze for you. To get started, just choose a prime number with five digits. Prime numbers are numbers that can only be divided by themselves or by one. They cannot be divided by any other number. Prime numbers are 11, 13, and 2,351; other examples include 11 and 13.

You will receive a set of tiles that are either green or yellow depending on how close your number is to the prime number that should be used for the day. When there are green tiles, the number that you are looking for is in the correct position.

Getting a yellow tile indicates that you have the correct number of tiles, but they do not belong in the current location. You will have a total of six opportunities to select the correct answer.


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wordNumberGUESSNUMBERS AND MATHPrimel WordlePrimel UnlimitedPrimel gamePrimel OnlinePrimel Free

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