

Squirdle, a guessing game, has a Pokémon theme. As you might expect, Squirtle asks you to predict Pokemon names rather than random sentences. There are eight chances to make a guess.

If your estimate was off, you'll get a different kind of proposal. Instead of showing letter locations, it shows how real and phony Pokemon are comparable. These marks differ based on the type, size, and even generation of the Pokemon.

You don't have to worry about learning which Pokémon have five-letter names because Squirtle is a Pokémon.

Squirtle, on the other hand, requests that you choose a Pokémon based on its gen, kind, size, and weight. You can check the validity of your estimate using the PokéBall symbols. In the PokéBall icon, a sideways arrow will show up if you correctly guess Type 2 rather than Type 1.


How to play

If Squirtle is the correct generation but the incorrect Pokémon, the generation box will turn green. The boxes for height and weight have up and down arrows in them to indicate whether the expected result is too high or too low.

Each component is subject to its own set of rules. If it is green, it is there. When you properly identify one of the two categories, as when the category was Water/Fly and you did, the color yellow indicates your success. The color red indicates the absence of both.

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