
Wordle Squared

You are anticipating Wordle Squared, a fantastic word game. In Wordle-Squared, you must use Wordle hints to finish the crossword.
The name has been altered from Wordle to sound more intriguing. If you've done a word puzzle before, you can figure out how to solve this one.

To select a word, simply click anywhere on the empty grid. After that, you can choose between text that is horizontal or vertical by clicking once more. Each letter in this grid can be predicted in nine different ways. With each guess, you will be able to locate each letter within the maze.
It's possible that the letter is a part of a phrase that also includes this blank. Similar to the earlier theory, this one also includes an orange box. This letter was recently discovered.

How to play

Click once to choose a word, then click again to switch between words that appear on the grid in directions other than up and down. You are given nine guesses for each cell in order to correctly identify each letter in the grid. As you hazard guesses, you'll learn how well each letter fits within the grid:

Correct letters are indicated by green letters. The response includes a display of this square.
Yellow letters: Despite not being in this exact spot, the letter is still hidden in both words that contain this cell.
This word is vertical or in a column, and the gray letters show that it doesn't have any letters.

Previous predictions and outcomes are displayed on the board to the right.

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wordWordlewordle squaredSquardle - Wordle squaredWordle Squared - Wordle UnlimitedWordle Squared - Wordle GamePlay Wordle SquaredWordle Squared Online

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