

Worldle is a daily game in which you have to identify the location shown on the map. You have five opportunities to identify the country. Every one of your guesses needs to be a real nation.

You are able to utilize the map to determine what the subsequent prediction will be. It may be a country, or it could be an island, or it could be a territory.

You will receive hints that indicate how close each of your predictions came to being correct. The hints will point you in the right direction and give you an approximate amount to travel until you reach the desired location.

Following each attempt at determining the color of the box, the distance and direction reflect how close you are to the correct answer.
A new national or geographic location is picked at random every day! So, it will proceed to select a new random one each and every day forever!

These are near to the percentages that they relate to: the green square is equal to 20%, and the yellow square is equal to 10%.
If it is the target, you will receive one hundred percent.


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